Monthly Archives: October 2014

Nutritional Benefits of Herbs and Spices

Randy at splendidrecipesand has a great free ebook on nurtiitional benefits of herbs and spices. It is more than worth the read.

Cook Plate Fork

Here’s a great article I found that can help us appreciate that herbs and spices are more than just flavor. I seen at the end of the article they were giving away a free ebook.

Nutritional Benefits of Herbs and Spices.

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What to do with all those green tomatoes?

When one has a great tomato harvest, you need as many recipes to preserve it. I found this great page giving you a multiple options for those green tomatoes. I wanted to post it so I could use it later. Posting it is like bookmarking it for me. I hope you like them as much as I do.

Spicy Thai Red Lamb And Aubergine Curry

This takes 5 minutes prep time and 10 to cook. Now that is what I call fast food.

Getting active against GMO products!

I have to say that I watched the films and read the articles and links listed below. The more I read and learn about farming techniques harming our environment the more outraged I feel.  I have found a site in Sweden that gives you products to boycott here a few months ago. Below gives you another boycott list to follow. It is for our own health and the health of our planet that I commit to learning even more on these subjects and being even more proactive in my purchases in the future.

I would like to help by passing on the information for others to read and make their own decisions on this subject. I do not want to rant and rave and stand on a soap box. I want to present information, facts and well written articles to substantiate what I believe.  I hope that you find this as interesting as I have and that some of you will be as moved to take action. We try to live by example. When we moved into this area, there was only one family in our immediate area that had a vegetable garden. This year was the first time we spoke to them about gardening and asked them where they bought their heirlooms seeds. We shared some information.

This summer two of our close neighbors and one of their relatives (who visits here every summer) have started their own vegetable patch. We have given vegetables,pickles and even plants to those three families from our garden every year and now they are planting their own small vegetable patches. I hope that we inspired them to try growing some vegetables this year for themselves. We as people can make a difference in the world, if we just try.

This earth does not belong.. Treat the earth well


Reduce your food waste

This is a new global initiative to stop food wastage …to create a sustainable Eco system. things.

15 Best fall Superfoods

How many of these foods are already in your diet? I consume 6 out of the 15 myself. Brussel sprouts are one not on my list. I have never cooked them myself. I have eaten them at friends and relatives houses. I have never been a fan of them. If anyone has a delicious recipe for them, please let me know. I use to hate liver as a kid. My mother made liver taste like eating a sole of a shoe. The first time I ate liver at a friend’s house that was properly made I was hooked. I am hoping that the reason that I do not like Brussel sprouts is because of how they were cooked. I guess that I will have to check recipes on the net. I want food that taste good not just food that is good for you.

Otherwise I am eating broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage as usual to get the same nutritional benefits that Brussel sprouts has in it. Brussel sprouts is a do able alternative in moderation.

Everytime I lose weight…


Even at our age…


Toxin exposure in our dailey life

It is impotant to me that the EU bans these products and GMO’s from Europe. It is my humble opinion that any trade agreement made with the USA that strict guide lines should be met to protect EU citizens from these products. I worry because this upcoming trade treaty is being negotiated behind close doors.

Differences between men and woman!



Indigenous Issues and Resistance

Crafting My Retirement

A Journey of Rediscovery

Princess Sassy Pants & Co.™

Just breathe...And trust that you are right where you need to be.

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Cutting edge science you can dice with

Life in the Boomer Lane

Musings of a former hula hoop champion


Primary Hyperparathyroid Disease - Raising awareness and advocating for improvement in diagnosis and standards for surgical treatment.

Bee Kinder

Be Kind To Our Native Bees

How to Provide

for your family


A great site


Peoplecare and beyond

The Most Revolutionary Act

Uncensored updates on world events, economics, the environment and medicine

Wobbly Warrior's Blog

Just another site


Random thoughts, topics, and philosophy

Voices from the Margins

A welcoming space for resistance to the forces of oppression and hegemony.