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Garden updates August 27,2014


I seriously can’t believe it that we finally have success with our tomato crop. It has only taken 4 years, but we figured it out. We used Chicken Shit (when planting), crushed egg shells, Fertilizing tea made with Chicken shit , pruning plants from getting too big and picking any new flowers after August. I have to thank the bloggers, whom I follow for all the helpful information on growing tomatoes for this successes. We got the combination that work for our area and we finally had success. YAHOO!!!

As you can see the second attempt at growing bell peppers has also been a great success. Planting the bell pepper in the poly tunnel instead of tented planters made all the difference. They also need extra protection from our strong winds. We place a small plastic sheeting that you can see in the picture as wind breaker. We realized that when the Poly-tunnel door was open that the bell pepper needed extra wind protection… I am tickled pink with this harvest.

My gardening experience has also been a lesson that taught me don’t stress the small stuff just enjoy the fruits of your labor. Crops succeed and they fail. One just has to go with the flow. These  gardening successes have been a lesson in determination and patience.


These large ears of corn will be our seed corn for next year.We will be harvesting them soon to hang in the basement.This is the first time we have tried to dry the best ears and make our own seeds for next year. This will cut down cost for the garden next year.


I picked these carrots from the garden for dinner. I am surprised at how the grew entwined with one another.


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