Monthly Archives: October 2016

In Loving Memory

Encouraging #Quotes, #Grief, Bereavement Walker Funeral Home Cincinnati, OH:

On the home-front….

Hello everybody!

I have to apologize to everyone for my sporadic writings this year. Spring started out great with beautiful weather and unusually high temperatures. We planted garlic last fall. We had a bumper crop of garlic this spring. Our mini green house was in a sorry state. I tried to give it a good wash inside and out. I was ready to repaint it. We were hoping the celery had survived the winter inside it, but we soon discovered that it died. Hubby began weeding inside it and as he held the corner board for support it just crumbled in his hand. He began examining  the wooden frame of the mini green-house to see what boards might need replacing. He soon discovered it was in such a sorry state he ended up dismantling  it. He saved the window frames, but the rest he burned. I guess it just some how set the mood for the season. I had another health relapse shortly after, but luckily it’s high intensity was short-lived. I just felt that I was not up for this year garden season.

We discussed it and decided to let our garden rest this year. The bible says the land should rest every seven years. This is our 6th year with our garden. We decided that was close enough.We needed a well deserved  rest as well.

We have been deliberating for a year now whether to move closer to a town with a hospital. We have been  looking for a house or apartment that whole time.  We have not found what we are looking for as of yet. Meanwhile we are down scaling our garden to a more manageable size. One of the reason we did not rebuild the mini green house.We thought if we found a new place and moved. Then we would not be here for the harvest. I though I would post and share information I was researching about health issues. I would post pictures on planting and harvesting our winter garden or I would be posting pictures o our new residence.

The summer just flew by for us. Our strawberries plants went absolutely crazy this year. My sweet husband decided after a couple of weeks of eating strawberries, that he burnt out on strawberries. I do not understand how anyone could get tired of strawberries myself.

I made freezer jellies again and jams. I froze them whole on cookie sheets and then bagged them for the freezer. We ate them every day for weeks. Hubby laughed at me, because I could not get enough of them. I gave away the rest to our neighbors.  My neighbors asked me, do you have any left for yourselves? I laughed and said We are not able to eat all the strawberries that I have already froze or canned  this year. I  will be giving some as gifts to friends and family.

It was so hot during the day, that I canned after 10 pm to escape the heat. That was in early July. Picking and Preserving the strawberries was too much for me even with my husbands help. We discussed planting a winter garden in July , we decided against it.

You know that saying when it rains it pours. Unfortunately sometimes it is a fricken monsoon. We had a tough year this year with one crisis after another…. if that wasn’t enough then our son tragically died….  Simultaneously I finally received a  medical diagnoses for what has ailed me, while grieving for our son….Now we begin the journey of scans, operation… I have had difficulty writing because of it. We had worried for some time if I had an early onset of Alzheimer disease. Thank God we were wrong. I am now on the journey to recovery.That is why I have not written many post only have done re-blogs. It has taken me 4 months to write this post. I had difficulty writing coherently.  Fear, Frustration and pride inhibited me from asking for help.  Hang in there with me. I will eventually get back to my garden.

Gardening will take a back burner for a while. I will be posting on Environment, politics, health and cooking…

Have a Happy Halloween everyone!








Can your own immune system kill cancer?

One of the most famous cancer patients to have received a form of immunotherapy is former President Jimmy Carter, who had a deadly form of skin cancer called melanoma. Last year, he announced that …

Source: Can your own immune system kill cancer?

A Mosquitoes Effect On The Environment

We can all agree that mosquitoes can be a huge annoyance when you just want to sit outside, around a bonfire, and have s’mores with a couple of friends. It almost makes it not even worth it to be o…

Source: A Mosquitoes Effect On The Environment

Nestlé Given Green Light To Continue Bottling And Profiting From National Forest Water

Nestle wins court case to continue bottling water…

This Search Engine Plants A Tree Every Time You Search

This search engine plants a tree every time you search on the web. Join it with me.

Heart-Wrenching Photos Document Severe Malnutrition in Yemen as Bloody War Rages On

Love thy neighbor as thy self.

A Request for Action to Support Standing Rock Water Protectors

Carol A. Hand My heart is heavy with the news coming from Standing Rock, ND today. It’s led me to do something I rarely do. I’m posting a request for the help of all of those who follow…

Source: A Request for Action to Support Standing Rock Water Protectors

Horror Photos Reveal Extent of Saudi War Crimes In Yemen

These poor people remind is in war no one is a winner.

Stand with Standing Rock Protestors: Vigil on 30th October

I stand with the Standing Rock protestors.



Halloween is the modern-day, commercial version of the ancient ritual of Samhain. It’s a pagan festival celebrating the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the dark season.

But it’s also a time of the year when the veil between the living and our ancestors is believed to be thinnest.

So this year, on 30th October, the day before Samhain, I feel drawn to honour the call to join a world-wide vigil – of the living and our ancestral beings – for those at Standing Rock in America who are defending ancestral land from the laying of the Dakota Access Pipeline, being constructed by Dakota Access and Energy Transfer Partners.

These fields in central North Dakota are where the pipeline would cross the longest river in the United States—the Missouri River—putting drinking water at risk for millions of people and desecrating sacred indigenous land.

Appalling state-sanctioned violence has been…

View original post 469 more words


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