Category Archives: Enviroment

Think about it!

Help make it happen!

Destruction of Amazon Forrest

I just signed Avaaz’s petition trying to protect the Amazon and the tribes that live there. Here is some information on what is happening there. I couldn’t get the link to the petition to work here. That is why I gave you the BBC story instead. You can go to Avaaz website and sign it yourselves if you are interested.  I have not seen anything about this on the news media (BBC, CNN, Euronews, Swedish news)

CDC Chicanery

via The Varicella Vaccine, Skyrocketing Shingles and CDC Chicanery

wireless health warnings

Quercetin lowers your Risk for influenza and other serious viral infections..


The link above discusses how Quercetin can boost our immune system and
Quercetin also combats inflammation and acts as a natural antihistamine. I think it is wiser to boost my bodies immune system than getting flu shots. Read the article for yourself and see what you think.

Curcumin supplementations cognitive benefits

Again information that shows nutrition impacts our health. The new information shows the importance of spices or seasoning in our foods impacting our health as well.

Turmeric MILK

12 ounces of your choice of milk (coconut, almond, lactose free  milk..)

1/4 cup water

1tsp ground turmeric= (curcumin)

1tsp ground cinnamon

pinch black pepper

3). Continue to simmer on low for 5-10 minutes DO NOT BOIL!

Sign petition to save the Rainforrest!

Dental dedication can improve health

I can not stress enough that flossing and brushing your teeth ever day. I have not had a cavity since the 70\s. I was lazy when it came to flossing. 8 years ago I went to the dentist and he told me that I had infection in my gum and my teeth were loose. I had bone loss in my jaw and was risking loosing my teeth. I with the help of my dentist have turned that around. I still have to go to the dentist a couple of times a year. It is never to late to start.


Statin Drugs

via Statin Drugs – The Real Reason Official Guidelines Still Demonize Fats Despite the Evidence?


Indigenous Issues and Resistance

Crafting My Retirement

A Journey of Rediscovery

Princess Sassy Pants & Co.™

Just breathe...And trust that you are right where you need to be.

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Cutting edge science you can dice with

Life in the Boomer Lane

Musings of a former hula hoop champion


Primary Hyperparathyroid Disease - Raising awareness and advocating for improvement in diagnosis and standards for surgical treatment.

Bee Kinder

Be Kind To Our Native Bees

How to Provide

for your family


A great site


Peoplecare and beyond

The Most Revolutionary Act

Uncensored updates on world events, economics, the environment and medicine

Wobbly Warrior's Blog

Just another site


Random thoughts, topics, and philosophy

Voices from the Margins

A welcoming space for resistance to the forces of oppression and hegemony.