Monthly Archives: September 2015



It appears while I was washing our hall rug that CoCo found some fresh cow shit to roll in the pasture behind the house. It was smudged in her hair in thick chunky brown globes. Needless to say that I was not thrilled. I told her you are getting a bath. My dogs think “Bath” is a dirty word in my house. I decided to bathe both dogs. Clean dogs and clean rugs sound logical to me. I started with Dixie. You can tell by the picture how thrilled she is to be bathed.

As I was hunched over Dixie, scrubbing her filthy ears, I looked to my left and saw CoCo peering at us. I had to laugh, because she hid behind the blue barrel with a look of utter dread. Her head would pop up and then disappear behind the barrel the next minute. I called hubby over and told him to look at her with out her seeing him spy on her. CoCo ducked out of sight to hide from his view. He laughed and tried to catch her looking at me bathe Dixie with the camera. He took this picture. We dried them off and have them in the house. I swear every time  CoCo  comes near Dixie she growls at her. It is absolutely hilarious.


Garden update


Today we had a break in the weather this morning. It was beautiful and crisp fall morning. Our trees in our area have begun to change to their fall colors.

The picture above is how our strawberry patch look at the end of this gardening season.The picture below is from early this spring, when I transplanted them from the smaller wooded bed beside it. The funny thing is if you look close at these two pictures CoCo is in both of those  photos. She likes to lie under the pear tree and watch us work.



Hubby said I am going to finish weed eating the last bed for the season. We had two rows in front of the carrots left to weed. He planned to take down the wooded supports for the peas and the strings down. The picture below is how it looks now. The potates and carrots are not ready to be harvested yet.


Today I was working in the house. I was throwing in a few loads of laundry. I decided to wash our hall Rag rug. The rug was filthy from all the rain we have had. The season is changing quickly and such sunny days are rare. Dark clouds and hard winds started coming in over us. Miss Piggy showed up and made our work harder. She decided to help hubby dig in the garden. Our dogs are trained to stay out of our vegetable garden beds. I spent a half hour running around training  Miss Piggy. My dogs were just a tired of her as I was by the time I took her home. She was overly excited and biting them too hard.

The Best Sources of Potassium and Its Role In Your Health

Knowing the best sources of potassium is important as it plays a crucial role in your health. Consuming the recommended amount of potassium each day helps…

Source: The Best Sources of Potassium and Its Role In Your Health



The Real Parasites!

The real parasites....

Our best corn crop ever!!!


Despite the strange unpredictable summer weather, we had a great corn crop.  We have had 2 almost 3 weeks of torrential rains and flooding. Farmers in our area have lost crops. Roads washed  out…. This weekend we had a break in the weather. We did not know how long the sunshine would last . We dressed warm and hurried outside and harvested the corn. We could see that the rain made mildew damage on the outer leaves of the cobs. We worked together in an assembly line ankle-deep in mud and water. The dogs were treated with the smallest cobs, which they devoured.  Hubby pulled the stalks and I shucked the corn. We composted everything else.

When we finished at the end of the day, we had 78 plus pristine ears of corn. We froze them. We had about that many ears of corn that were white kernels not yellow (not fully matured). We had corn cobs that had blotches of kernels on them. I made cream of corn with them. I have had cream of corn in the US before, but not in Sweden. I decided to try to make it myself. I love using it in corn bread recipe (American recipe), because it makes the bread so moist. It was a wonderful fall day. We marveled over the success of our crop.


I cut the kernels off the cobs with a knife. I put 70% of them in the food processor to finely chop them up. I put the other 30 percent and mixed them up in a pan together. I put butter, cream and turkish yoghurt in it. I seasoned it with salt and garlic to taste. I cooked them on a low setting.  I let it cool and placed it in plastic ziplock bags in the freezer.

Korean ski Olympics destroy 500 year old forest

Source: Korean ski Olympics destroy 500 year old forest

How To Improve Nutrient Absorption By The Body

We all eat without thinking about the digestion of food and nutrient absorption. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “The human digestive system consists

Source: How To Improve Nutrient Absorption By The Body

How to Make Your Own Apple Juice – Naturally!

These are some great fall recipes to perserve fruit.

Old World Garden Farms

One of our favorite times of the year is upon us – Apple Season!

We are fortunate to live in an area that transitions us from a hot and steamy Summer to a beautiful, cool and crisp Autumn. The leaves are beginning to change from a dark green hue to vibrant shades of yellow, orange and red.  Of course, with that change comes our fall harvest.

Jim on a ladder picking apples with a hoe used as the extender so we could reach way up high. Jim on a ladder picking apples with an apple picker.

Apples have begun to ripen, and that means lots of great fruit, sauce, desserts and juices are ready to be made and consumed. We have had several posts on what to make with apples (see below), but one that sometimes gets overlooked (because it is so easy) is all natural Apple Juice.  With sweet varieties of apples available, such as Gala, Fuji, Rome, Honeycrisp and Red Delicious, there is no need to add additional…

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