Monthly Archives: April 2015

Old World Garden Organic Farm Threatened…

Old World Garden Organic Farm Threatened….

GMO Crops Planted, Round-Up Sprayed – And A Dream Shattered – But Never GONE!

GMO Crops Planted, Round-Up Sprayed – And A Dream Shattered – But Never GONE!.

Beginning Gardener: Class 3-Walking You Through What You Need To Know

Beginning Gardener: Class 3-Walking You Through What You Need To Know.

Monsanto sued in Los Angeles County for False Advertising on Glyphosate Claim

Glyphosate is in round up. It is used to cure some cigarrette tobacco. I cheer this group that is sueing Monsanto. It is about time someone is holding them accountable.
It is my humble opinion that Glyphosate should be banned worldwide.

Corn is planted


We planted our corn in these milk cartons. We had an assembly line to cut,fill and sow the seeds. Hubby stacked them inside the Poly tunnel and watered them. This is a 160 of them. Last year if you remember, we planted 200 total. We planted them in 3 batches because of lack of space on my kitchen table. This year we planted all of them at one time.

It is easier to pre-sow plants to give them a head start that allows crops like the corn to reach maturity with our short growing season. They will be transplanted outside at the end of May – beginning of June. We have more vegetables to plant, but we ran out of potting soil. We used 4 large bags of potting soil for this. We will be sowing more during the weekend.

Our Gardening season begins!!!

We have had a warm spell for a couple of weeks now. We have been snow free since Easter. It is the time of year to change our winter tires to summer tires. The glorious long-awaited sunshine automatically draws one outside. Living in the far north and having dark winters our bodies physically craving the vitamin D that the sunshine provides.You can see it in many people running outside under dressing for the weather. This is the flu season.

My doctor just called informing me my vitamin D levels are really low…. She wanted me outside in the sunshine.I really can say the sunshine is just what the doctor ordered. The leaves on trees are budding and now starting to bloom. We saw 18 deer in two pastures grazing today. You can actually see the green haze on the tree tops.The flowers blooming are just calling to us to get out in our garden.

We are still feeding the birds this time of year. We have had a flock of larger birds move into the farm. One of them literally flew off with one of our bird feeders filled with sunflower seeds. This is the second time they did it. Our neighbor found it behind his barn the first time. This last time we have not been able to find it again. Oh well!

We are taking it slow this season. We did not sow any seeds in our house this year. Instead we are just starting to sow seeds in containers in the poly tunnel. This is a new experiment to see how well it works. I personally will like this better, because everything is outside in the poly tunnel. There is no mess and no fuss in our house. We are using no electricity to heat or light the poly tunnel. We are going to put a large plastic container with water inside with a lid to seal it shut. The barrel will absorb the heat from the sun during the day and act as a heater in the chilly nights. Considering we had light frost this morning and hail this afternoon I think we will be right on schedule. Days like today I do a little spring cleaning inside.

We decided to start with moving the strawberry patch and working on the poly tunnel. Hubby has made raised beds in the Poly-tunnel and adding a lot of potting soil. one of our neighbors walked by curious about what hubby was up to now. Hubby was wanting to buy stepping-stones that were 50 cm x 50 cm. Our neighbor said I have some behind my barn just take what you need. These stone are 30 cm x 30 cm which are a little smaller than we wanted. We are not complaining, because they were a gift. This is how I pictured it would look in my mind, when we ordered it last year. He did a great job.

poly1 poly2

While he was busy with the raised beds, I started transplanting our strawberry plants. I transferred 25 of them the first day. I had to have a couple of days recuperation and then we went back out to finish the job. Hubby and I finished the job together and then he put the plastic cover back on our Poly tunnel. Our growing season has officially begun for this year. Hubby took the board from this bed to make the raised beds for the poly-tunnel.We made it into another rock bordered bed. I just need to get some straw around the plants later in the season.We have 50 strawberry plants in this bed.



I transplanted some of the garlic from last year. They were popping up  in the big rock garden. Then I planted part of  last years garlic crop. I plan to plant 2 heads of lettuce and 2 swiss chard plants in the middle. The onions on the other half. I think it will look nice.You can see the Poly-tunnel in the background with its cover back on.


More information on California’s sea lion population

Good For Your Health Household Chores Inside and Out

It is time for my annual spring cleaning and begin gardening for the year.

Cook Plate Fork

 Good For Your Health Household Chores Inside and Out

Most of us know that losing weight makes for a healthier body and in order to lose or maintain a healthy weight you must burn more calories than you consume. The amount of calories any one person requires really depends on their activity level, because the more active you are, the more calories will burn.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money and time to get a good workout. Why not get a great workout while at home without any gym equipment., how you ask? Doing household chores. You get the best of both worlds, that is the house gets cleaned and you’re burning calories in the process.

According to Health Status, an individual who might weigh 150 pounds will burn about 99 calories every 30 minutes of doing housework. Were as an individual who weighs 200 pounds, will burn about 131 calories in the same amount…

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Round up is to be relabeled in Canada

I am glad that the Canadian government is relabeling. What I can not understand is why Roundup is not banned world-wide? The company who manufactures this product should be held liable.



One viable step to solving carbon emissions by 2030

It amazes me that there are concrete and constructive solutions to a world dilemma and yet I have seen nothing about this on the mainstream media. The world summits on climate change could have governments make these changes immediately.

They won’t until we make our voices heard.





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