Monthly Archives: January 2018

Dental dedication can improve health

I can not stress enough that flossing and brushing your teeth ever day. I have not had a cavity since the 70\s. I was lazy when it came to flossing. 8 years ago I went to the dentist and he told me that I had infection in my gum and my teeth were loose. I had bone loss in my jaw and was risking loosing my teeth. I with the help of my dentist have turned that around. I still have to go to the dentist a couple of times a year. It is never to late to start.


Statin Drugs

via Statin Drugs – The Real Reason Official Guidelines Still Demonize Fats Despite the Evidence?

Women’s March 2018-Monterey Bay — Crafting My Retirement

Last Saturday, I attended the Second Annual Women’s March Monterey Bay, held at California State University Monterey Bay. I estimate about 2000 women, men, and children gathered for this event. Energy was high, pink hats could be seen everywhere, and many people carried placards inscribed with sentiments close to their hearts. The Women’s March is […]

via Women’s March 2018-Monterey Bay — Crafting My Retirement

Best flowers to plant with vegetables

It is cold outside. Powdered snow covers the landscape. It is gorgeous outside. The sun goes down early and the temperature drops. We woke up earlier this week because our puppy was crying because she was cold. The furnace has gone out sometime in the night. The machine that feeds the sawdust into the furnace jammed because of ice forming on some of the sawdust. The furnace went out because there it was empty. Thankfully that has not happened in a couple of years. It was cold inside the house. It took over 6 hours to warm the house back up once the restarted the furnace. I lite  heat candles in the house and turned the oven to heat the house back up, While the furnace was being restarted.

This is the time of year I catch up on sewing and mending. I love to read a lot. I have  been a book-worm all of my life. I buy a lot of books  to read during this time of year. I  look up things on-line. I am trying to teach myself to crochet and  to bake bread this year. I will post later on that.

I am such a fan of Mother Earth News. Here is a great article about planting flower with your vegetables. We have never done that before. It is something to read up on and to look into it.



At my age..

Life Marches on

It has been an eventful year. We did have a small garden this year. We have had such hot weather during the spring and summer. It was difficult to keep it alive. We had very little rain. Our well went dry again. We used lake water to get us through the dry spell. Thank God for electric pumps and a kind landlord.

We had a hard time keeping our garden watered.  We had rain water in the barrels and then we had a water tank. We planted everything in June direct into the garden. Some crops never had time to mature. We knew that was a real possibility, but we thought we would try none the less.  We definitely  reaffirmed our belief that it is necessary to plant early in the house and poly-tunnel

We have to  Our cucumbers gave us a small harvest I was only able to pickle small batch of 6 small jars. Hubby and I were fighting over the pickles. They turned out so good. I can’t wait for this years garden. I plan to can a lot of pickles this year. We need to restock our shelves.

I was operated on in May. We could see Dixie, Our thirteen year old dog, was fading fast. We were hoping that we would have one more summer with her. When we left for the hospital, I asked her to wait to go until I came home. She held on for a month more. Coco woke us in a panic leading me into the living room. Dixie had a stroke in the night and was paralyzed on one side of her body….. We had to put her down. She will be missed. Today is her birthday.


We picked up this little bundle of joy yesterday. Hubby named her Lucy after Lucille Ball on sight. She has reddish brown hair and green eyes. Her name fits her personality. I heard Hubby telling her this morning,” You have some xplainin to do Lucy”. She had messed on the floor. I laughed. He did a pretty good imitation of Desi Arnez.

I need to up date My blog. I have to relearn WordPress because they have made so many changes on the site. I just wanted to up date you. I wish everyone a Happy New Year. I have been experimenting on making Sour dough starter. I have copied a lot of sour dough recipes from Pinterest.  I have been experimenting on different recipes. I have been determined to learn the art of making bread.  Hubby has been tickled pink with my progress. I will start to post some recipes soon.





Indigenous Issues and Resistance

Crafting My Retirement

A Journey of Rediscovery

Princess Sassy Pants & Co.™

Just breathe...And trust that you are right where you need to be.

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Cutting edge science you can dice with

Life in the Boomer Lane

Musings of a former hula hoop champion


Primary Hyperparathyroid Disease - Raising awareness and advocating for improvement in diagnosis and standards for surgical treatment.

Bee Kinder

Be Kind To Our Native Bees

How to Provide

for your family


A great site


Peoplecare and beyond

The Most Revolutionary Act

Uncensored updates on world events, economics, the environment and medicine

Wobbly Warrior's Blog

Just another site


Random thoughts, topics, and philosophy

Voices from the Margins

A welcoming space for resistance to the forces of oppression and hegemony.