Category Archives: politics

Sign petition to save the Rainforrest!

Women’s March 2018-Monterey Bay — Crafting My Retirement

Last Saturday, I attended the Second Annual Women’s March Monterey Bay, held at California State University Monterey Bay. I estimate about 2000 women, men, and children gathered for this event. Energy was high, pink hats could be seen everywhere, and many people carried placards inscribed with sentiments close to their hearts. The Women’s March is […]

via Women’s March 2018-Monterey Bay — Crafting My Retirement

End the support for the Burma Butchers!



Pray with Standing Rock




It is appalling to see the USA government continually trample it’s citizens right to peacefully protest . Where are the protectors of democracy? What has The United States of America done with  The bill of rights, Fourth Article:
The Freedom of Speech, and of the Press, and the right of the People peaceably to assemble, and consult for their common good, and to apply to the Government for a redress of grievances, shall not be infringed.

These Native people are defending their Nations right to decide what happens on their land. The corporations and government are treating the native people as trespassers. The Native nations are a Nation inside a Nation. Where is the UN forces protecting these native lives and the land and water? The world needs to stand up in protest.

Mahatma Gandhi

11 Mahatma Gandhi Quotes To Help You Live A More Peaceful Life:

Don’t Panic about Politics

As many of you know I have a fan of Dr. Mercola from some time. I often post information from his site that I find informative. I read this new post of his,”Don’t Panic about Politics”. It only further strengthen My opinion. I too believe the people from around the world have a say in Politics of their countries. We need to make our voices heard. Vote our conscious and actively participate by our purchase power. There are so many other ways as well. I hope you enjoy his post as much as I did today.

A petition letter to Trump by

Will you be able to vote this November in USA elections?

Synthetic Forrest?

God help all of  us!!

Why is this science necessary? We have natural alternatives like Bamboo. Bamboo is fast growing wood that can grow in diverse climate. It is used for fuel, building material, fabrics, paper products and even more diverse products. It makes so much sense to use  Bamboo and hemp than  destroying the worlds Eco system. When will the world’s populations say stop ? TTP and TTIP will be the means for Corporations to stop us from having a voice.


Indigenous Issues and Resistance

Crafting My Retirement

A Journey of Rediscovery

Princess Sassy Pants & Co.™

Just breathe...And trust that you are right where you need to be.

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Cutting edge science you can dice with

Life in the Boomer Lane

Musings of a former hula hoop champion


Primary Hyperparathyroid Disease - Raising awareness and advocating for improvement in diagnosis and standards for surgical treatment.

Bee Kinder

Be Kind To Our Native Bees

How to Provide

for your family


A great site


Peoplecare and beyond

The Most Revolutionary Act

Uncensored updates on world events, economics, the environment and medicine

Wobbly Warrior's Blog

Just another site


Random thoughts, topics, and philosophy

Voices from the Margins

A welcoming space for resistance to the forces of oppression and hegemony.