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Many hair-straighteners contain a Formaldehyde-based

I like many other woman use hair-straightener products with my flat iron. It shocked me to discover, that these products can be formaldehyde based. The above link discuss this and gives in depth information on this.

I wanted to share with you, why I am so concerned about chemicals insecticides and pesticides are doing to us and our environment. I was diagnosed with stomach problems and given medication three years ago. I had an Anaphylactic shock shortly after taking the medication. I have always been sensitive to chemicals in products. I have always felt like the canary in the mine shaft.

I had already been debating to stop dying my hair for over a year before this latest reaction to my stomach medication. I have learned from experience that I become hyper-sensitive to many products after such a reaction. I had been dying my hair for 10 years. I have always pictured myself aging and having white hair. I always pictured myself growing old gracefully. I guess for me the only thing holding me back was the in between stage of letting my hair grow out. I stopped dying my hair three years ago and never looked back.

I had been concerned about all those chemicals in hair dye, developing toxicity level, and environmental waste. Have you ever wondered how many people around the world dye their hair? It is not just woman but many men as well. Just think how many chemicals are being dumped into our drinking water by hair dye products. When I asked myself that question, it boggled my mind. What do those chemicals do to our water system and environment? I watched a news report a while ago talking about hair dye that had been banned in Sweden because of the toxic chemical compounds that they contained. They stated the EU was allowing these products in Sweden now. I listened in horror at the side effects and health problems of some woman in Sweden after using these products. It only verified for me that I made the right decision to stop dying my hair when I did.

About 30 years ago I suffered chemical burn on my face, neck and hands after being exposed to pesticides drift while visiting the USA.I was asleep in a air conditioned home while a field was sprayed next door. The covers and my pajamas protected the rest of my body from chemical burn. My skin had burns. My face was swollen and disfigured. It was a very painful experience. It played havoc on my immune system after-wards. I have even been more sensitive to chemicals after that experience. My immune system is very weak and has never fully recovered. It made me hyper sensitive to chemical products (lotion, shampoo, creme rinse..) for a couple of years, which has made me more vigilant in what products that I use.

It boggles my mind what everyday choices impact our world and our bodies by using make up, nail polish,sunscreen… .I for one am going to be thinking about products that I use in my everyday life and re-evaluating if they are truly needed and beneficial for me. I like most of you had taken for granted that government agencies who suppose to be monitoring the safety of food and products were doing their job. I question their decisions are based on public safety. I truly thought that I was being vigilant in limiting chemicals in my daily life but I guess that I need to re-think about how many products I use every day. I am tired of feeling like a human guinea pig.

Here are is a consumer guide link to give you some food for thought.

below gives information on,” 10 craziest things pesticides are doing to your body”.


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